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Why can't I have Aaliyah come give a special massage in my home. 😭
Everyone knows this this scene is sizzling, yada yada, so I'm pointng out a few things I thought were funny. To me at least, maybe not to you. 😂
Ol' huge cock Kyle has to be at Aaliyah's chest level to squirt her in the eye. I picture Damon watching this & going, "Amateur". 🤣
I can see the director going, "Cut. Stop. This scene is lacking a certain something, but I just can't put my finger on ... hold up a sec. I've got it. .... A TIE fighter! Now we can move on." 😆
They actually put tape over "Converse All Star", but didn't think about covering the soles. See? Wearing shoes is always a bad idea. 😂😂😂
3:26-3:40 43:10-43:24 1:04:36-1:04:46 - Page 536