Prevent VR Motion Sickness: Tips and Strategies for 2023

Virtual reality (VR) has revolutionized the gaming industry, offering fully immersive experiences that transport players into incredible new worlds. However, VR motion sickness can hinder the enjoyment of these fantastic adventures. Fear not, fellow gamers! This blog post will arm you with essential tips and strategies to prevent VR motion sickness, ensuring you can fully experience the exhilarating possibilities of virtual reality in 2023. You don’t need to worry about what your inner ear is doing, so we’ll help you get the most from your VR headsets.

Short Summary

  • Understand and recognize the symptoms of VR motion sickness to prevent it from ruining your experience.

  • Optimize your setup by configuring the headset, selecting less movement games and setting up environment factors.

  • Incorporate natural remedies such as hydration, nutrition, ginger supplements & rest into a routine to reduce risk of motion sickness in VR gaming.

Understanding VR Motion Sickness

A person wearing a virtual reality headset, experiencing motion sickness

Motion sickness in VR gaming, also known as VR sickness, occurs when players experience discomfort, such as nausea, eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, vertigo, and fatigue, during their virtual adventures. This unsettling sensation is caused by the same factors as motion sickness in the real world, despite the absence of actual physical movement during a VR game. Factors like fatigue, dehydration, or anxiety can potentially increase the risk of experiencing VR motion sickness.

Preventing motion sickness in VR gaming is crucial for enjoying the full potential of virtual worlds. By understanding the causes and implementing strategies to combat motion sickness, players can make their VR experiences more comfortable and enjoyable. So let’s dive deeper into recognizing the symptoms of VR motion sickness and explore the best ways to prevent it.

Recognizing the Symptoms

A person experiencing motion sickness symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and headaches

Being aware of the symptoms of VR motion sickness is the first step to prevent it from ruining your gaming experience. These symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and headaches. If you start to experience any of these symptoms while playing a VR game, it is recommended to cease the virtual reality experience without delay.

Taking a break to move around can be highly beneficial for reducing the effects of VR motion sickness. The importance of taking breaks during VR gaming lies in the prevention of motion sickness and giving your brain a chance to recalibrate. By recognizing the symptoms and taking timely breaks, you can minimize the impact of motion sickness and continue exploring the fascinating virtual worlds.

Optimizing Your VR Setup

A person adjusting a virtual reality headset to reduce motion sickness

One of the most effective ways to prevent motion sickness in VR gaming is by optimizing your VR setup. Configuring your headset, selecting games with less movement, and setting up your environment can greatly reduce the risk of motion sickness and enhance your overall gaming experience.

Let’s explore each aspect of optimizing your VR setup and learn how to make the most of your virtual reality adventures.

Headset Configuration

Properly adjusting your VR headset is crucial for maintaining immersion while playing and preventing motion sickness. Configuring your headset correctly can reduce some of the most common causes of motion sickness, making the experience more comfortable. It is essential to ensure that the screens are aligned with your eyes and that the headset is firmly and securely fitted to prevent it from slipping. Additionally, reading the headset manual before playing VR games can help you understand the proper way to wear the headset and best practices while playing.

Selecting a VR headset with a high frame rate is another essential factor in reducing the risk of motion sickness. A high frame rate, such as 90 FPS, is crucial in virtual reality gaming to mitigate motion sickness and headaches. Moreover, eye-tracking technology can help sustain a consistent frame rate for a given application in VR gaming, further reducing the risk of motion sickness.

By choosing the right VR headset and configuring it correctly, you can make your VR gaming sessions far more enjoyable and motion sickness-free.

Game Selection

The type of game you choose to play in VR can significantly impact your likelihood of experiencing motion sickness. Careful selection of suitable VR games can help minimize the risk of motion sickness and enable you to enjoy the full potential of virtual reality gaming. For those new to the genre, it is recommended to start with slow-paced games with limited quick movement and a third-person perspective. Beginning with a slower game that does not involve rapid movement can help your mind and eyes become accustomed to the virtual reality experience.

Selecting games that limit physical movement or allow for teleportation instead of walking can also help mitigate the risk of motion sickness. By carefully choosing the right VR games to play and gradually increasing the intensity of your gaming sessions, you can prevent motion sickness while enjoying the immersive world of virtual reality.

Environmental Factors

Adjusting various environmental factors can help overcome VR motion sickness. Implementing slow motion, minimizing sharp camera movements, reducing acceleration, and using blur effects can all contribute to a more comfortable gaming experience.

Slow motion in VR technology can help reduce the risk of motion sickness by decreasing the speed of camera movements, thereby diminishing the sensation of disorientation. Fewer sharp camera movements and less acceleration can also decrease the feeling of disorientation and reduce the risk of motion sickness. Blur effects can help in the same way, softening abrupt changes in direction and minimizing disorientation.

Seated experiences can further reduce the risk of VR motion sickness by decreasing the speed of camera movements. By adjusting these environmental factors, you can create a more enjoyable and comfortable VR gaming experience.

Gradual Exposure and Adaptation

A person gradually increasing their exposure to virtual reality to adapt to motion sickness

Another effective strategy to prevent motion sickness in VR gaming is through gradual exposure and adaptation. By exposing yourself to VR experiences incrementally, starting with less intense experiences and slowly increasing the level of immersion, you can train your brain to better handle virtual environments and reduce the risk of motion sickness. Depending on the VR game or app, there are often many options to reduce this feeeling.

Let’s discuss the key aspects of gradual exposure and adaptation in more detail.

Starting Slowly

Introduce yourself to VR gaming gradually can be highly beneficial in reducing the risk of motion sickness. Starting with slower-paced VR games and taking regular breaks can help your body and mind adjust to the virtual environment. Novice gamers can lessen their risk of VR motion sickness by gradually increasing the duration of their gaming sessions.

For those new to VR gaming, it is suggested to begin with comfortable and straightforward experiences and gradually advance from there. By starting slowly and allowing your body and mind to adapt to the VR experience, you can significantly reduce the risk of motion sickness and enjoy the amazing world of virtual reality gaming.

Incremental Movement Progression

Incremental movement progression refers to the process of incrementally increasing the amount of movement within the game, such as by increasing the speed of the character or the complexity of the environment. This method can help your body and mind adapt to the VRenvironment, reducing the risk of motion sickness.

Begin with 3DOF games and steadily increase the amount of time spent playing them. Emphasizing your breathing and taking regular breaks are also recommended to help your body adapt to the virtual environment.

By gradually increasing movement in VR games, you can better acclimate yourself to the virtual world and minimize the risk of motion sickness.

Consistent Practice

Consistent practice is vital for adapting to virtual gaming and reducing the risk of motion sickness. Engaging in shorter gaming sessions throughout the day can condition your brain to disregard certain signals that it receives, thus allowing for an increased amount of time in VR with fewer or no disturbances.

Establishing objectives and involving other stakeholders can help ensure consistent practice of virtual gaming. It is also essential to take breaks every 30 minutes and limit VR sessions to 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of VR sessions over time.

With consistent practice, you can better adapt to the virtual environment and prevent motion sickness in VR gaming.

Natural Remedies and Precautions

A person drinking water and taking supplements to combat motion sickness

In addition to the strategies discussed above, there are several natural remedies and precautions that can help prevent feeling dizzy in VR gaming. These include hydration, nutrition, ginger, and adequate rest.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these aspects and learn how they can contribute to a more enjoyable and sickness-free VR gaming experience.

Hydration and Nutrition

Staying hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet are crucial for preventing motion sickness in VR gaming. Consuming ample amounts of fluids can help keep the body cool and prevent dehydration, which can contribute to dizziness and nausea. Additionally, a balanced diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables can assist in reducing the likelihood of this unease.

Implementing light, non-greasy meals and staying adequately hydrated can assist in minimizing the risk of VR motion sickness. By paying attention to your hydration and nutrition, you can help your body function optimally and reduce the risk of motion sickness during your virtual reality adventures. Be sure to remove your VR headset at regular intervals to hydrate. Any time you feel motion sick this can apply.

Ginger and Other Supplements

Ginger is a well-known natural remedy for reducing nausea and queasiness. Studies have demonstrated that ginger is more effective than Dramamine in reducing nausea and can be consumed in small doses, such as ginger tea.

Additionally, chamomile tea can help relax digestive muscles and treat conditions like motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, gas, and indigestion. Other over-the-counter medications like Dramamine or Benadryl can also be taken a few hours prior to playing VR games to avoid getting dizzy.

By incorporating ginger and other supplements into your routine, you can effectively reduce the risk of sickness during VR gaming sessions.

Proper Rest and Self-Care

Adequate rest and self-care are essential for avoiding motion sickness in VR gaming. Obtaining sufficient sleep and taking periodic pauses from gaming can help reduce the risk of motion sickness. Furthermore, taking time to relax and practice mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also contribute to this feeling.

It is recommended to take breaks every 30 minutes and limit VR sessions to 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of VR sessions over time. By focusing on proper rest and self-care, you can prevent dizziness and ensure a more enjoyable VR gaming experience.

When to Seek Medical Help

A person consulting a health professional for motion sickness

In most cases, medical assistance is not necessary for VR motion sickness. Over-the-counter medications, taking breaks, and getting fresh air can help alleviate the symptoms. However, it is advised to seek medical help if the discomfort persists or worsens, or if vomiting persists for several hours.

A physician can prescribe medication to prevent VR motion nausea if necessary. By monitoring your symptoms and seeking medical help when appropriate, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable VR gaming experience.


In conclusion, preventing VR dizziness is crucial for fully enjoying the immersive world of virtual reality gaming. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, optimizing your VR setup, gradually exposing yourself to VR experiences, and incorporating natural remedies and precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of motion sickness and dive headfirst into the captivating world of virtual reality gaming. So gear up, fellow gamers, and embark on your next incredible VR adventure, motion sickness-free!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you stop motion sickness from VR?

To avoid motion sickness in VR, it is essential to take regular breaks, ensure a comfortable fit of your headset, adjust the game difficulty to suit your experience level, and try alternative treatments such as ginger or Dramamine.

Additionally, it is important not to play if you are already feeling sick.

Does motion sickness from VR go away?

It is likely that you may experience motion sickness when you first start using your VR device, but this should subside over time. With practice and gradual exposure, your body will become accustomed to the new environment and sensory inputs, resulting in motion sickness going away.

Is it common to get motion sickness from VR?

This can be prevalent in VR, with roughly 40-70 percent of first-time users experiencing it during their first 15 minutes in the virtual world.

Fortunately, with time and practice, the effects of motion sickness tend to decrease significantly.

How often do people get motion sick from VR?

It appears that a significant proportion of people who use VR experience motion sickness, with women especially at risk. Reports indicate that up to 40% of VR users may be susceptible to feeling nauseous after exposure to virtual reality experiences. There are many settings that can be changed to prevent VR sickness.

Does vr motion sickness go away?

Yes, with practice, VR dizziness can go away. Slowly increase the amount of time you spend using your device and be sure to take frequent breaks. You can soon become accustomed to the immersive environment and enjoy your experience without feeling sick.