• 93% (1,551 Votes)

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96 min  •  20 July, 2018

You've never liked blind dates but you decide to take a chance and meet your mystery date at your favorite Italian restaurant. As you sit and wonder if you've been stood up, the hookup of your dreams is revealed and you're blown away! The night is going well and your date suggests you take things to the next level. Soon you've got this angelic beauty out of her dress and on top of your cock! Who Done It? The question is, Who's Doing it?

Comments (143)
11 months ago
any chance for a remaster?
3 years ago
This is the first time in two years I've seen this all the way thru without FF'ing the restaurant part.

It's funnier than I remember. Before, I wanted to kill Tarzan, & now I feel sorry for him. What a loser.
As for Elena herself, what a disastrous date. IRL the date would have ended the moment she made snippy remarks about my meat based diet. As luck would have it this ain't real life! 😂
The two funniest things are when she wrote "Fuck Me" on the little chalkboard & when she talked about the chef's facial & arm hair being in the food along with body fluids in the bread. 🤣🤣🤣

Back at the room I liked she took her time & started slowly. She acted really shy. Nothing about this part felt porn-y if that's a word. She is Drop Dead Gorgeous & I could stare into her beautiful blue eyes all ... night ... long! 🥰

Loved at 49:00 her toes cramping & she had to stretch them out. 😓 It all felt very natural & real. From the time we first stepped into the room to the creampie nothing felt forced. Top notch work! 🥃🍺
3 years ago
Late to the game and can't rate as I'm not currently a member(I download a chunk when subbed then watch later). I dig this woman. Orgasmic and I enjoy her under-the-breath sexy comments. Buzzer during money time was jarring, however.

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