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44 min  •  28 June, 2022

You hear a bang and a crash outside then a knock on your door. Harley King is standing there and she's got some bad news. Harley hit your car out front and from the looks of it your doorbell cam caught all the action. What are you to do? She's embarrassed and in a tight spot after this fender bender but you've got the perfect idea that will make everything right. Invite Harley inside not to exchange insurance, but to exchange fluids in an epic fuckfest of the ages. You'll reflect on your naughty deal and cum out on top as Harley gives it her all to smooth things over. Fuck Harley like she fucked up your car because karma can be hot-as-fuck too.

Comments (14)
3 days ago
All right! One I haven't seen. 🥳 🥃🍺

Harley is a cute blonde who probably wrecked my car on purpose because she heard about my dick. 🥰
At least, that's what I like to tell myself. 🤣

2:08 - 2:25 _ I'm cracking up over here because Alex's gesturing reminds me of [this.] 😂😂😂

31:54 - 32:17 _ Is Harley making out with herself in the mirror while I'm fucking her from behind? Hey, it's okay. You do what you gotta do, & I'll do what I have to. 🔥🔥🔥

6:29 6:33 19:06 21:21 41:52 41:55 - Page 490
2 years ago
MORE MIRROR Scenes please !!!!
2 years ago
Great visually. But needs some tension. Instead of her announcing she's going to have sex right at the start, let things slowly escalate.

Most videos on here need more tension like this

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