Kenzie Madison
- Birthday
3 March 1997
- Birth place
Miami, Florida, United States of America
- Hair color:
- Birthday
3 March 1997
- Birth place
Miami, Florida, United States of America
- Hair color:
- Eye color:
- Height:
5'4" (163cm)
- Breast Size:
Your first impression of Kenzie Madison will make you think of her likely being a cheerleader in her high school days, she has that playful spirit made for enticing a crowd filled excitement – just as she does through her XXX rated performances. If you're seeking an overload of cuteness, look no further, this brunette has everything to make your erection spring to life. Smaller, but perky breasts with that bit of a an uplift, capped off by rose colored nipples and an ass made for thong panties will leave you needing to catch your breath. The natural reality of who she is and what she brings to the world of pornography isn't something that can be duplicated through training. They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but thankfully, this sweetheart of the sex scenes is making her presence known everywhere.
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